MMBA Volunteer Positions, News (Mansfield Minor Baseball)

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Mar 17, 2024 | Peter Piechocinski | 701 views
MMBA Volunteer Positions
MMBA is looking to fill a number of volunteer positions. 

We need to fill as many of these positions as possible so our organization can run as intended.

MMBA Volunteer Positions

MMBA is looking for volunteers\nominations for the below  positions. 

Any member can volunteer or make a nomination. 

Please fill out the Position Volunteer form to volunteer for a position.

Link to Executive Position Volunteer Application Form

If you know of someone who you think might be interested please e-mail [email protected] to  make a nomination and an executive member will reach out to that person to gauge their interest.

Please consider volunteering or nominating someone for a position, as MMBA is only as good as the people who step up to volunteer.

Descriptions for each position can be found at Documents and Policies in the MMBA Constitution file.
Link to MMBA Constitution

Vice President
Registrar - Local League, Rep\Select
Diamond Manager\Scheduler
Tournament\Event Dierctor
Fundraising Director
Concession Director
Rep\Select Convenor
Local League Convenor
Media\Webmaster Director
Parent Rep\Volunteer Director
Safety Officer